Contraceptive Implant Procedures: Implanon®

Prepared for OBGYN residents
at the St. Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Table of Contents

text resource Learning Objectives

text resource Disclaimer

text resource Technical Requirements

text resource Background on Implanon®

text resource Patient Consultation

text resource Insertion Procedure

text resource Instructional Videos

text resource Removal Procedure

text resource Practice Questions

text resource Author and License Information


text resource Background on Implanon® hormonal implant

Implanon® is a newer single rod long-acting implant contraceptive method. It is a Progestin-only (etonogestrel-containing) hormonal implant. It is a reversible method of concraception that offers protection for 3 years and is reversible. Implanon® is a thin rod, 40 mm in length and 2 mm in diameter , which is made from a flexible plastic and is about the size of a matchstick. Implanon® is supplied as a single package containing a single white non-biodegradable rod with 68mg etonogestrel and a disposable applicator. The implant is inserted just under the skin on the inner side of the upper arm.


image of implanon rod


Since Implanon® is a single-rod implant and the applicator is pre-loaded with the implant, it offers convenient insertion and removal.


The mechanisms of action for Implanon® is similar to other hormonal implants is by


See the diagram below for a pictorial representation of the mechanisms of action for Implanon®.


image of implanon rod


Common side effects and complications associated with the use of Implanon® are similar that that of Jadelle® (another hormonal implant) include irregular bleeding, mood swings, weight gain, breast tenderness, headache, acne, and depression.

For additional information about the mechanics and efficacy of Implanon®, consult the following articles: